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Социальные сети
Roman Vladimirovich Starovoit
Governor of the Kursk region

Red Square, 1, Kursk

I am glad to welcome you to the investment portal of the Kursk region!

The Kursk region is a developed and sufficiently environmentally friendly agricultural region, located in the climatic zone favorable for maintaining intensive agriculture and livestock, has unique natural resources, developed transport infrastructure, high level of energy supply in terms of volume and variety.

All this allows our region to be attractive for the implementation of effective international projects and investment programs.

In the region, JSC “Corporation of the Development of the Kursk Region” was created, carrying out work on the selection of land plots to create industrial parks and investment sites, which can be offered to potential investors for the construction of industry enterprises. Work with the investor is implemented on the principle of “one window”. There is a council for improving the investment climate and interaction with investors, the main task of which is to make decisions on the most important issues in the investment area.

Events are held annually to promote the investment potential of the region.

The main indicators of the region

105,8 %

data for 2023

Agricultural production index

214,6 billions

data for 2023

The volume of investment in fixed assets

51 074,6 rubles

data for January-November 2023

The average monthly nominal accrued wage of workers

0,3 %

Data for January 1, 2024

The level of registered unemployment

623,2 billion rubles.

Data for 2023
The volume of shipped goods of their own production, work and services performed

109,6 %

Data for 2023

Industrial production index

97,1 %

Data for 2023

Production index by type of “mining”

115,8 %

Data for 2023

Production index by type of activity “Production production”

102,6 %

Data for 2023

Production index by type of activity “Providing electric energy, gas and steam, air conditioning”

136,6 %

Data for 2023

The production index by type of activity “Water supply, sanitation, organization of the collection and disposal of waste, activities to eliminate pollution”

About 5,8 million tons

Data for January 1, 2024

169,6 million pieces

data for 2023

Production of eggs

464,9 thousand tons

Data for 2023

Production of milk

691,0 thousand tons

Data for 2023

Livestock and poultry (for slaughter in live weight)

106,3 %

Data for January-November 2023

Index of the physical volume of work performed by type of “Construction”

517,1 thousands of square meters

Data for January-November 2023

Commissioning of residential buildings

31,01 miles

data for January-June 2023

Commissioning of gas networks

About 5,2 million tons

Data for January 1, 2024

Production of sugar beets

Competitive advantages

Natural resources

The Kursk region is located in the center of the Kursk iron ore province, known as the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, providing raw materials for Russian and foreign metallurgy.

Energy supply

The region has high energy supply and the presence of reserves of electric power capacity due to the operation of the Kursk NPP. The region’s share in the Russian Federation in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water is 1.3%. More than 70% of the generated electricity is supplied to 19 regions of Russia.


Two railway lines pass through the region: Moscow-Kharkov and Voronezh-Kyiv; There are three large railway junctions: Kursk, Lgov, Kastornaya. Highways and the railway network connect the Kursk region with Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, industrially developed centers of Ukraine and Transcaucasia.

Geographical position

The Kursk region is a dynamically developing industrial and agricultural region. The region’s territory covers an area of 30 thousand km2 and is located at the intersection of the most important transport and trade routes in Russia, connecting west and east, north and south.

Investment map of the region

The interactive investment map of the Kursk region helps to clearly imagine the economic capabilities of the region

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