Socio-economic development of the region
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The industry of the Kursk region is represented by 4 main types of economic activity: “mining”, “processing production”, “providing electric energy, gas and steam; air conditioning “,” water supply; Supportion, organization of collection and disposal of waste, activities to eliminate pollution. ”
The most significant industrial centers include the most populated cities of the region – Kursk and Zheleznogorsk.
The industrial complex of the region includes about 1.5 thousand enterprises (taking into account small and medium), carrying out production activities in various industries. More than 102 thousand people work at the enterprises, or 20% of the total number of employees in the economy of the region. The share of tax payments from industry to budgets of all levels traditionally is more than 50%.
The processing complex of the region is represented by 21 main types of economic activity.
The Kursk region has favorable agroclimatic conditions for conducting agricultural activities. One of the most important advantages of the region is the presence of fertile chernozem soils. The area of agricultural land is 2556.5 thousand hectares, which are used for the development of agricultural production, including agricultural land – 2388.2 thousand ha.
In terms of land use, about 80% falls on arable land and about 20% – on hayfields and pastures.
Small and medium -sized businesses are a diversified economy sector and acts as a strategic resource for the development of the territory of the region. Currently, state support for small and medium -sized enterprises of the real sector of the economy and relevant infrastructure facilities are being carried out through the implementation of regional (municipal) programs with the financial support of the federal center.
The number of registered subjects of small and medium -sized enterprises in the region as of 01.01.2023 was 33,442 units, of which 88 units, small ones – 1 197 units, microducts – 33 157 units. More than 145 thousand people are working in the Small and Medium Enterprise sector.
The number of citizens applying the special tax regime “Professional income tax” is growing daily. As of 01.01.2023, more than 26 thousand people amounted to the number of self -trusted citizens in the Kursk region.
The industry structure of small and medium -sized enterprises changes: the dynamics of a decrease in the share of trade in favor of industrial, construction and other sectors of the economy continues. The formation of favorable conditions for the development of small and medium -sized enterprises is one of the priority areas of the Government of the Kursk Region for the medium -term period.
In 2023, the implementation of three regional projects “Creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of self -employed citizens”, “Acceleration of small and medium -sized enterprises” and “Creation of conditions for easy start and comfortable business” of the national project “Small and Medium Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurials” were continued Initiatives. “
Software measures provide for further state support of activities in the field of industrial and agricultural production, innovation and scientific research, health and education.
The development of infrastructure for supporting small and medium -sized enterprises and includes:
The functioning and development of the Center “My Business”, where a set of state support measures is carried out on a single site in “One Window” mode. On the basis of the Center for Entrepreneurship Support, Export Support Center, Regional Engineering Center, as well as the Microcredit Company Center for Entrepreneurship Support, the Kursk Region and the warranty fund, operate. The Unified Information Platform “My Business” is focused on the aid of entrepreneurs in the opening and development of their business;
conducting an active information campaign aimed at forming a positive image of an entrepreneur and identifying entrepreneurial abilities, as well as involving persons with entrepreneurial potential and motivation to create their own business;
An annual increase in the capitalization of the microfinance organization and the warranty fund for the expansion of microcredit and warranty services to small and medium -sized enterprises;
promoting the development of entrepreneurship in the field of women’s entrepreneurship, the economy of “silver” age, socially oriented entrepreneurship and self -employment;
popularization of entrepreneurship, publication in the media and on the Internet portals of vivid stories of successes of Kursk entrepreneurs and self -employed;
development of services for business that will provide services on the principle of “one window”;
Expansion of consulting and information support for small business, development of an Internet portal for small and medium-sized businesses “Digital Platform of SME”.
Small and medium -sized enterprises that received state support showed a leading dynamics of economic results.
The Government of the Kursk Region on a permanent basis is taking measures to legislatively change the conditions for conducting small and medium -sized businesses to simplify the procedures and expand the forms of support for entrepreneurs.
In order to form favorable conditions for the development of small and medium -sized enterprises, the subprogram “Development of small and medium -sized enterprises in the Kursk region” of the State Program of the Kursk Region “Development of Economics and External Relations of the Kursk Region” is carried out.
A system of support for small and medium -sized enterprises has been built, in accordance with which competitions are held for small and medium -sized enterprises engaged in manufacturing, to provide subsidies for reimbursement of costs related to the modernization of production.
Competitions for grants are held for small and medium -sized enterprises included in the register of social entrepreneurs, and subjects of small and medium -sized enterprises created by individuals under the age of 25, inclusive.
As part of the state program, measures are co -financing for municipal programs to support small and medium -sized enterprises of municipalities.
The average per capita cash incomes of the population in January-December 2022 amounted to 37219 rubles and increased by 13.8% to the corresponding period of 2021; Real cash income per capita amounted to 98.5 %.
The average monthly accrued wage in the whole economy of the region for 2022 amounted to 46024 rubles with an increase of 14.0 % by 2021; Real wages amounted to 98.6 % (in 2021 – 104.4 %).
According to the results of 2022, the largest accrued average monthly wages developed at enterprises for mining – 70,448 rubles, with an increase of 7.6 %by 2021. Including in the main sectors of the economy: providing electric energy, gas and steam – 62912 rubles with an increase of 12.9 %; Production production – 44889 rubles with an increase of 17.9 %; Transportation and storage – 44404 rubles with an increase of 13.9 %; Wholesale and retail trade – 39739 rubles with an increase of 14.6 %.
The average monthly salary of one employee in the branches of the budget sphere and its dynamics by 2021 amounted to: education – 34508 rubles, an increase of 11.1 %, activities in the field of health and social services – 41476 rubles an increase of 10.5 %, activity in the field of culture , sports, organization of leisure and entertainment – 36215 rubles with an increase of 13.2 %.
Expensible wage arrears as of January 1, 2023 in a circle of types of economic activity observed by Kurskstat amounted to 12.795 million.
In 2022, the situation in the labor market of the Kursk region remained stable.
The number of unemployed citizens registered in the employment service bodies of the Kursk region, from January to December 2022, decreased by 1,249 thousand people and as of 01.01.2023 amounted to 2,427 people (as of 01.01.2022 – 3,676 people). The level of registered unemployment is 0.4 % (as 01.01.2022 – 0.7 %).
The number of total unemployment was reduced by 6.1 thousand people, and on average in 2022 it amounted to 16.5 thousand people. The level of general unemployment (according to the ILO methodology) is 3.0 % (on average in 2021 – 4.0 %).
At the end of 2022, 10,922 free workplaces and vacant positions were announced to the regional bank of vacancies, 67 % of which relate to working professions.
Tension in the labor market amounted to 0.3 people per declared vacancy.
During the reporting period as part of the implementation of the state program “Promoting employment in the Kursk region”, approved by the Decree of the Kursk Region administration dated 09.20.2013 No. 659-PA, the employment service bodies of the Kursk Region was assisted in employment of 10,949 to citizens;
The temporary employment of 4,289 minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years, 214 unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work; Participation in public work 1,582 people is provided; Provided self -employment 503 to citizens;
We began vocational training and additional professional education 1,286 unemployed citizens;
organized 276 fairs of vacancies and training jobs;
2,718 services for social adaptation and psychological support were provided;
14 544 services were provided by vocational orientation.
The territorial balance of the reserves of common minerals of the Kursk region as 01.01.2022 took into account 230 deposits and sections of the subsoil of local importance with the total reserves of sand and stones of construction, raw materials for expanded clay products (loam and clay light -melted), raw materials for bricks (clay, loop, merceli, chatter ) in the volume of 240.296 million m3, as well as the clay of refractory, chalk, peat – in the amount of 132.838 million tons, of which about 40%are operated.
In the territory of the Kursk region, the extraction of common minerals in local subsoil plots is formed by the private sector of the economy. In this direction, about 72 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in 23 districts of the Kursk region operate in this direction.
Sands are the basis for the production of construction organizations of the Kursk region and one of the most popular and common types of non -metallic raw materials. To the group of the largest deposits and subsoil sites of local importance, the balance supplies of which on 01.01.2022 are more than 5 million m3, include: the new Buzets deposit in the Zheleznogorsk district, the Lipinsky deposit, the Anakhinskoye field in the Oktyabrsky district, and the subsoil section of the subsoil ” Glusitsky 1 ”in the Liga district, a section of the subsoil of local“ Zherebtsovo 2 ”in the Kursk district.
OPI – sand in 2021 was carried out by 36 subsoil users. The total amount of sand mining, taken into account by the state balance, amounted to 4026.00 thousand m3. Based on the results of the work on exploration and revaluation, the balance reserves of sand increased by 6475.51 thousand m3. The total increase in balance reserves was 2133.53 thousand m3.
Divine deposits of brick raw materials (clay, loam, Mergeli, chatter) are available in all areas of the region, which indicates practically unlimited prospects for increasing the raw material base of this type of raw materials. The extraction of raw materials for brick in 2021 was carried out by 5 subsoil users. The total amount of production of raw materials taken into account by the territorial balance was 63.28 thousand m3.
In the Kursk region as of 01.01.2022, the territorial balance of reserves of raw materials for expanded clay products took into account 1 deposit – Novoselovskoye field in the Oktyabrsky district. The following deposits and manifestations are of practical interest in the development of the raw material base of the city of Kursk and the region: Pozhdaevskoye (Shchigrovsky district), Bolsobobrovskoye and Ratmanovskoye (Zheleznogorsk district), Volobuevskoye (Kursk district), Manturovskoye (Manturovsky district), Oboyanskoye (Oboyansk district).
Based on the results of the work on the geological study of the subsoil, the balance reserves of the chalk increased by 1193.23 thousand tons. The total increase in balance reserves amounted to 862.41 thousand tons. In 2021, 2 subsoil users carried out. The total amount of mining, taken into account by the state balance, amounted to 88.12 thousand tons.
In terms of quality, chalk of most deposits is suitable for the production of small -magnesial, fast -drunk, highly expostermic air lime 1 grade of class A and V.
For agricultural needs in the field are explored and listed on the balance sheet
There are three deposits in the state reserve (Pogozheyoye, fishing lines, Semenovskoye), the reserves of which are evaluated as suitable for the production of limestone flour for lime (chemical reclamation) of acidic soils and for mineral top dressing of animals and birds.
In the Kursk region as of 01.01.2022, the territorial balance of mineral reserves of minerals took into account 1 deposit of refractory Glin “Bolshaya Karpovka” in the Soviet district of the Kursk region. The deposit is located in the Sovetsky district 4.5 km northeast of the Kshena railway station, 130 km from the city of Kursk. Clains of the deposits are suitable for the production of acid -resistant brick, ceramic facial bricks, ceramic tiles for internal cladding walls, facades, floors, for the production of ceramic sewer pipes.
As building stones, the population of the Kursk region for local needs traditionally uses sandstones, which, in the form of small deposits and deposits in a number of areas, lie in the sands and loams of Paleogene.
In the Kursk region as of 01.01.2022, 3 deposits of construction stones in Zheleznogorsk (Serenteninsky deposit of the Mikhailovsky deposit) and Rylsky (Durovo deposit and the manifestation of Nekrasovo) were taken into account by the territorial balance of mineral reserves. The prospects for identifying profitable construction stone deposits in the foundation breeds are extremely limited, since the crystalline foundation lies at a depth of 120-200 or more meters.
In the structure of the electric energy of the energy system of the Kursk region in 2022, the share of the Kursk nuclear power plant amounted to 93.7 % (20,322.7 million kW · h), the TPP of the branch of PJSC “Kursk Generation” – 6.1 % (1,313, 5 million kW · h), power plants of industrial enterprises – 0.2 % (45.3 million kW · h).
In the Kursk region, 6 main gas pipelines with a length of 1183 km, as well as gas pipelines (572 km), 3 industrial sites, 6 compressor stations, 41 GRS were laid.
The volume of gas consumption in the Kursk region in 2022 amounted to 2, 250 billion cubic meters. m.
As of 01.01.2023, more than 20.9 thousand km were built and commissioned in the Kursk region. gas distribution networks.
Результаты перевода
Курск, ул. Моковская, д. 11а