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Plan for creating infrastructure objects

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In order to create conditions for ensuring a favorable investment climate in the Kursk region, in fulfillment of the Decree of the Kursk Region administration dated 12/18/2014 No. 837-PA “On approval of the procedure for the formation and annual updating of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region”, as well as The implementation of the target model “Quality of the investment portal”, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 31.01.2017 No. 147-r, the administration of the Kursk region formed a plan for creating infrastructure facilities.

The plan is a list of under construction (planned for construction) in the region of facilities in the following areas:

  • gas supply, water supply and sanitation (financing volume of not more than 5 million rubles);
  • electricity (financing volume of at least 10 million rubles);
  • transport complex (financing volume of at least 20 million rubles);
  • Social sphere (funding volume of not more than at least 100 million rubles);
  • Infrastructure of industrial parks (the volume of financing is not limited);
  • Objects on investment projects, the implementation of which requires the construction of infrastructure facilities (funding volume of at least 50 million rubles).
The plan for creating investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for 2023-2025
The plan for creating investment objects for 2023-2025 510 KB
Order of the Government of the Kursk Region dated 05.04.2023 No. 287-RP “On approval of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities of the Kursk region for 2023-2025”
The procedure for the formation and annual update of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region
Investment map of the region

The interactive investment map of the Kursk region helps to clearly imagine the economic capabilities of the region

Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region
Monthly monitoring of the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure in the Kursk region for November 2021
Monthly monitoring of the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure in the Kursk region for October 2021
Monthly monitoring of the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure in the Kursk region for September 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for August 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for July 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for June 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for May 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for April 2021
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for December 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for November 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for October 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for September 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for August 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for July 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for June 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for May 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for April 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for March 2020
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for December 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for November 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for October 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for September 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for August 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for July 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for June 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for May 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for April 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for March 2019
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for December 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for November 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for October 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for September 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for August 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for July 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for June 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities for May 2018
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for March 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for April 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for May 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for June 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for July 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for August 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for September 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for October 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for November 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for December 2022
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for February 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for March 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for April 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for May 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for June 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for July 2023
Monthly monitoring the implementation of the plan for the creation of investment facilities and infrastructure facilities in the Kursk region for August 2023

Kursk, st. Mokovskaya, house 11a

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