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Industrial parks

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What is an industrial park?

Иindustrial (industrial) park (hereinafter referred to as the Park) is a complex of real estate assets (land, production, administrative, warehouse and other buildings and premises) managed by a single Operator (management company), provided with engineering and transport infrastructure facilities necessary for the location of new enterprises.

Basic principles of creating Parks

The main principles of creating Parks on the initiative of the Government of the Kursk region are:

    • rational use of the scientific and industrial potential of the Kursk region, land, natural and labor resources;
    • the need to ensure balance, proportionality and comprehensiveness of the socio-economic development of the Kursk region;
    • delimitation of powers and responsibilities of all participants in the process of creation and operation of Parks in the Kursk region;
    • ensuring stability of investment activity conditions during the entire period of infrastructure creation and development of the Park;
    • efficiency for the budget of the Kursk region.

What problems does the creation of Parks solve?

  • creation of accessible infrastructure for the placement of production and other investor facilities in the region;
  • increasing the investment activity of entrepreneurs and stimulating them to create new industries related to manufacturing industries;
  • attracting new investors to the region, including foreign ones, searching for sites for new production facilities in Russian regions;
  • development of a common network of transport and engineering infrastructure in the region;
  • increasing the investment attractiveness of the Kursk region.

Regulatory regulation of Parks in the Kursk region

Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated May 27, 2014 No. 338-pa “On approval of the Regulations on the conditions and procedure for the creation of industrial (industrial) parks”

Индустриальные (промышленные) парки Курской области

Industrial (industrial) park «Yubileiny»

 Management company:
JSC «Kursk Region Development Corporation»

Number of current residents – 7

Available area: 9.9 hectares

Industrial (industrial) park«SOYUZ»

 Management company:
Energo-Service LLC

Number of current residents – 5

Free area: 12.46 hectares

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