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О Курской области
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АО «Корпорация развития Курской области»
Совет по улучшению инвестиционного климата, взаимодействию с инвесторами, поддержке и развитию экспорта при Губернаторе Курской области
Special economic zone of industrial production type “Third Pole”
Путь инвестора
Законы, постановления, распоряжения и приказы
Поддержка инвестора
Меры господдержки
Регламент «одного окна» для инвестора
Propose an investment project
Инвестиционные площадки
Инвестиционные предложения
Register of investment projects
Industrial parks
Земельные участки и промплощадки
План создания объектов инфраструктуры
Примеры успешного инвестирования
Стандарт развития конкуренции
Региональный инвестиционный стандарт 2.0
Public-private partnership in the Kursk region
Инвестиционная карта
Моковская,11а, Курск, Россия
+7 (4712) 330 750 доб 106
Социальные сети
About the Kursk region
Presentation of the region
Socio-economic development
Public private partnership
Export development
Standard for the development of competition
Climate investment advice
Plan for creating infrastructure objects
Sign of investment projects
Municipal investment standard of the Kursk region
For the investor
Аpply for the project
Select a plot of land
Investment sites
SEZ «Third Pole»
Industrial parks
Register of land plots
Investment card
Support measures navigator
ASI experts
Investment standard of the Kursk region 2.0
Socio-economic development strategy of the Kursk region
State support measures
Direct call line
“One window” regulations for investors
Register of investment projects
Infrastructure plan
Laws of the Kursk region
Laws of the Kursk region
Law of the Kursk region dated August 12, 2004 N 37-ZKO “On investment activities in the Kursk region”
110 kb
Law of the Kursk Region dated June 22, 2015 No. 58-ZKO “On establishing criteria that must be met by objects of social, cultural and public utility purposes, large-scale investment projects, for the placement (implementation) of which it is allowed to provide land plots for rent without bidding”
13 kb
Law of the Kursk Region dated October 29, 2013 No. 101-ZKO “On the Investment Fund of the Kursk Region”
12 kb
Law of the Kursk Region dated December 14, 2010 No. 112-ZKO “On reducing the tax rate of corporate income tax subject to credit to the regional budget for certain categories of taxpayers”
44 kb
Law of the Kursk Region dated July 17, 2008 No. 36-ZKO “On the Mortgage Fund of the Kursk Region”
55 kb
Law of the Kursk region dated November 26, 2003 No. 57-ZKO “On the property tax of organizations”
76 kb
Law of the Kursk region dated December 11, 2019 No. 129-ZKO “On investment tax deduction for corporate income tax in the territory of the Kursk region”
Law of the Kursk region dated December 14, 2020 No. 112-ZKO “On certain issues of the implementation of regional investment projects in the Kursk region”
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated 04/03/2017 No. 282-pa “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies to the budgets of municipalities of the Kursk Region for co-financing of capital investments in municipal property at the expense of budgetary allocations of the Investment Fund of the Kursk Region”
23 kb
Resolution of the Governor of the Kursk Region dated June 21, 2017 No. 192-pg “On measures to implement the Law of the Kursk Region dated June 22, 2015 No. 58-ZKO “On establishing criteria that must be met by social, cultural and public utility facilities, large-scale investment projects, for the placement (sale) of which it is allowed to provide land plots for rent without holding a tender”
22 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region No. 62-pa dated 02/11/2016 “On the authorized executive body of the Kursk Region”
24 kb
Resolution of the Kursk Region Administration dated May 21, 2014 No. 324-pa “On approval of the Regulations for comprehensive support of investment projects (investors) based on the “one window” principle”
29 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated May 27, 2014 N 338-pa “On approval of the Regulations on the conditions and procedure for the creation of industrial (industrial) parks”
42 kb
Resolution of the Governor of the Kursk Region dated December 2, 2014 No. 527-pg “On approval of the Investment Strategy of the Kursk Region until 2025”
29 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated December 8, 2014 No. 799-pa “On approval of the Procedure for the formation and use of budgetary allocations of the Investment Fund of the Kursk Region”
42 kb
Resolution of the Kursk Region Administration dated March 29, 2013 No. 175-pa “On the procedure for assessing the regulatory impact of draft regulatory legal acts”
88 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated April 28, 2012 No. 411-pa “On the creation of an open joint-stock company “Agency for Attracting Investments of the Kursk Region”
24 kb
Resolution of the Kursk Region Administration dated July 22, 2011 No. 324-pa “On approval of the Procedure for providing subsidies from the regional budget to investors to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans attracted from credit institutions for the implementation of investment projects, to investors-lessees to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans raised to pay lease payments, or to reimburse the lessee for part of the costs of paying lease payments”
90 kb
Resolution of the Governor of the Kursk Region dated 07/09/2021 No. 315-pg “On the creation of a Council for improving the investment climate, interaction with investors, support and development of exports under the Governor of the Kursk Region”
53 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated October 20, 2008 No. 324 “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure and rules for providing property of the Kursk Region as collateral”
90 kb
Resolution of the Governor of the Kursk Region dated February 29, 2008 No. 102-pg “On measures to implement Article 10.1 of the Law of the Kursk Region “On investment activities in the Kursk Region”
294 kb
Resolution of the Governor of the Kursk Region dated August 11, 2005 No. 590 “Issues of organizing and conducting competitive selection of the most effective investment projects”
323 kb
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated December 1, 2021 No. 1263-pa “On approval of the Rules for the provision of subsidies from the regional budget to legal entities that are business entities, 100 percent of the shares (shares) of which are in state ownership of the Kursk Region, promoting the development of investment activities, in the form of a gratuitous monetary contribution of the Kursk region to property, which does not increase the authorized capital of the company and does not change the par value of the shares”
Resolution of the Administration of the Kursk Region dated July 22, 2011 No. 324-pa “On approval of the procedure for providing subsidies from the regional budget to investors to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans attracted from credit institutions for the implementation of investment projects, to investors – lessees to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans, or to reimburse the lessee for part of the costs of paying lease payments”
Resolution of the Kursk Region Administration dated July 10, 2020 No. 692-pa “On approval of the procedure for approving investment projects of organizations entitled to apply an investment tax deduction for corporate income tax by the commission for assessing the effectiveness of investment projects”
Sample form of a business plan for an investment project
100 kb
Order of the Government of the Kursk Region of February 8, 2008 N 53-r
More details
zhelayushchiye uchastvovat’ v realizatsii proyektov, imeyushchikh regional’noye znacheniye, s ispol’zovaniyem byudzhetnykh assignovaniy Investitsionnogo fonda Kurskoy oblasti» Ещё 384 / 5 000 Результаты перевода Перевод Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region dated August 22, 2017 No. 74-o “On approval of the methodology for calculating indicators of absolute and relative financial stability, which must be met by commercial organizations wishing to participate in the implementation of projects of regional importance using budgetary allocations from the Investment Fund Kursk region”
289 kb
Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region No. 75-o dated August 22, 2017 “On approval of the methodology for calculating indicators and applying performance criteria for regional investment projects applying for state support through budgetary allocations of the Investment Fund of the Kursk Region”
458 kb
Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region dated 04/21/2015 No. 8-a “On approval of the methodology for calculating indicators of absolute and relative financial stability, which must be met by commercial organizations applying for state support in accordance with the Law of the Kursk Region dated 08/12/2004 No. 37-ZKO “On investment activities of the Kursk region”
38 kb
Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region dated October 20, 2015 No. 75-o “On approval of forms of documents provided by investors to enter the most favored nation regime or implementing investment projects in the most favored nation regime”
75 kb
Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region dated December 25, 2012 No. 55-a “On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for maintaining the register of investment projects in the Kursk Region”
122 kb
Order of the Committee on Economics and Development of the Kursk Region dated July 27, 2012 No. 18-a/1 “On approval of the approximate form of a business plan for an investment project and recommendations for its development”
14 mb
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